Thursday, September 9, 2010


We arrived in Hawaii after what could only be described as a grueling trip. The Chicago to Honolulu leg is just minutes less than nine hours and it is not easy to say the least. Mom upgraded for extra leg room which was smart on her part, that left Bill and in the screaming children section of the 777. But who cares, we're in Hawaii!! Paul and Gerard met us at the airport and after the usual baggage, rental car nonsense we headed to the house.
Nan & Chris

I was greeted by my  loving family and "niece" Nan  the newest member of our family who is the best hugger and who has a wonderful smile. I was so pleased to get to bond with her over this very laptop as I introduced her 
to all of you thru the many photographs that I have saved in my picture files;
she was just thrilled. 
Some  pre -sister in law bonding
Alyssa & Nan

1 comment:

kk said...

don'r forget to tell her about ME!